You're in a cold,dark and damp room. You have one match. What do you light first? Lamp, Heater or Dryer? Share Tweet Answer The match.
Two people are talking on the phone long distance. One is in an East Coast state of the U.S., the other is in a West Coast state of the U.S. The first asks the other, "What time is it?" He hears the answer and says, "That's funny. It's the same time here!" Neither one of them were mistaken about the time. How is this possible?
In a house there was a murder scene. The police ask the neighbor of the person who died,"did you know who killed this person? The neighbor said, "No. While I was outside I saw a frost in the window. I wipe it, then I saw a person lying dead. After that they arrested the neighbor. Why did they arrested the neighbor?
There are two brothers who are twins and born on the same day. One day a man asks them their age. One of them says, "I am twenty" and the other twin says, "I am twenty two". How is this possible?
Two fifty foot ropes are suspended from a forty foot ceiling twenty feet apart. You have only a knife. How much of the rope can you steal?
A guy named Joe went to the supermarket. He didnt have a bag or basket to put his food in so he had to carry it. He had 4 plums and 2 pears in one hand and 2 apples and 3 oranges in the other. What does he have?
There was a frog that fell down inside a well. The well is 30 meters deep. Every day, the frog goes up 3 meters then goes down 2 meters. The question is this: how many days does it take the frog to get out of the well completely?
You're in a cold,dark and damp room. You have one match. What do you light first? Lamp, Heater or Dryer?
This game is a favorite of mine, It involves numbers 1-9; Put them in line correctly to win, This game will surely make you want to grin. What game am I talking about?