A man is late for work. He asks another man what time it is. The man says that his watch says that it's half past 3. The man who is late says that this is incorrect. Why is it incorrect?
There are four girls, and four apples in a basket. Every girl takes an apple, Yet one apple remains in the basket. How is this possible?
A woman was horrified to find a fly in her tea. The waiter took her cup and went into the kitchen and returned with a fresh cup of tea. She shouted, "You brought me the same tea!" How did she know?
What's the least number of chairs you would you need around a table to sit four fathers, two grandfathers, and four sons?
There's a wearwolf on your left and a vampire at your right. A ghost in front of you and a witch behind you. What do you do?
Professor Mike was on his way to a murder scene. He was on the street of the scene but does't know which house. There are 11 houses in a row and the murder scene is in one of them. Here are some clues. My house is the red house. I am far from the left. Deep in a grave Dare to solve the clues Living next to the green one. Even in my house is good. By reading these clues which one of these houses is the one that has the murder scene?
A man was trapped in a steel house with no windows, no lights, and no bathroom and the door had a steel lock on it. The only thing he had with him was a piano, about one day later somebody heard about the man who was trapped in the house. He went to go get him out when he got to the house and opened the door he wasn't there! Why not?
There was a man. He was walking in the dark woods. The only thing he had with him was a match. He found a cottage but it was very cold. Inside, there was an old-fashioned stove, a candle, and a fireplace. Which should he light first?
In a house there was a murder scene. The police ask the neighbor of the person who died,"did you know who killed this person? The neighbor said, "No. While I was outside I saw a frost in the window. I wipe it, then I saw a person lying dead. After that they arrested the neighbor. Why did they arrested the neighbor?