What did the mother goblin say to the baby goblin at the dinner table? Share Tweet Answer Stop goblin your food.
You are standing on the top one of two solid metal pillars. They are both exactly one kilometer apart from each other and they both stand one kilometer high. There is absolutely nothing around these pillars, but you have one small twig, one small rock and an unlimited supply of rope. Using only the materials named, how can you get from the top of the pillar that you are on to the top of the other pillar?
During the Holocaust there is a jewish man who has managed to evade the Nazi soldiers for many months. He has finally made it to the border of Germany, but to his dismay, there is a massive river blocking his way with only one bridge over. The bridge was under Nazi control and any person caught trying to exit Germany will be killed on the spot, but any Polish person caught trying to enter Germany without the proper papers will be sent back to Poland. There is only one guard on this bridge and he only checks the bridge for people every three minutes. Now, no matter how quickly any person may run, this bridge will always take exactly five minutes to cross. How can the German man exit Germany without being caught and killed?
So you are walking through the snowing cold outside. You have no where to live but you come to this little cabin. You have a stove, a fireplace and a candle. You only have one match, which one do you light first?
A boy was at a carnival and went to a booth where a man said to the boy, "If I write your exact weight on this piece of paper then you have to give me $50, but if I cannot, I will pay you $50." The boy looked around and saw no scale so he agrees, thinking no matter what the carny writes he'll just say he weighs more or less. In the end the boy ended up paying the man $50. How did the man win the bet?
A man fell of a ladder while at work but when he fell off the ladder, and yet he was not injured or dead. How was this?
Three women have been best friends their whole lives. They have never had an argument with one another. Everything was going perfectly fine in all 3 womens lives. One day they all were at a party. But 2 of the friends were crying and 1 friend was the happiest she's ever been in her whole life. Why?
There were 9 men in one big room. All were geared up and ready to battle against one another. In the end, all were shot. The 9 men returned home, tired and colourful.
There were 3 apples on a tree and there were 10 children wanting an apple each took an apple and yet there were still some on the tree. How is this possible?