Having three bowls: 8, 5 and 3 litres capacity. Share 8 litres on halves (4 + 4 litres) pouring water the minimum times.

1. pour 5 litres from the 8-litre to the 5-litre bowl,
2. pour 3 litres from the 5-litre to the 3-litre bowl,
3. pour these 3 litres back to the 8-litre bowl,
4. pour the remaining 2 litres from the 5-litre to the 3-litre bowl,
5. pour 5 litres from the 8-litre to the 5-litre bowl,
6. pour the missing 1 litre from the 5-litre to the 3-litre bowl (there should be 4
litres left in the 5-litre bowl),
7. pour the 3 litres back from the 3-litre to the 8-litre bowl (and that’s it – in 8-litre
bowl 4 litres).

Having three bowls: 8, 5 and 3 litres capacity. Share 8 litres on halves (4 + 4 litres) pouring water the minimum times.

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